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Throughout our first season and current, our team has come up with multiple designs so that we could perform to the best of our abilities at competitions, and then modify our design based off of testing and observations at competitions.

During the first competition of our rookie season, our robot didn’t work in the competition because our chain and sprocket was loose. We also encountered other problems with this robot. The arm was too complex of a system and was also too heavy for the robot. The collector was also very complex and was not coordinated along with requiring many wires to connect the servos to the servo controller.

During our second competition, we were able to work the robot during autonomous and Teleop. We were able to put the mountain climbers in tele-op and some debris in the floor goals in Tele-Op. We were also still using our churro wheels. We had less problems with our robot during the first competition, but still experienced many complications. In order to push debris and prevent debris from getting under the robot, we created a bumper on the back of our robot.

Overall, even with the many complications of our robot, we still performed better than at our first competition. Not only was our robot able to work at the competition, we also scored a lot more points than at the first competition. After the results of the second competition, we decided to completely redecorate our robot. We made the chassis in a way that gives us more room and is able to protect the robot from debris getting under or stuck under. We also removed the chain and sprocket so we can still move the robot if debris gets under our robot. Since we decided to do no climbing and aim only on scoring without climbing, we took off the churro wheels that helped us climb over churros. We put a diagonal linear slide arm on one side with a box attached. A ramp brings the debris up to the box as well. The ramp has axles with zip-ties to help it up. Along with that, we reorganized all our electricals and labeled them to make connecting faster if we need to take off the wires at some point. After the electricals, we redid our autonomous and added 3 sensors to our robot for the best accuracy and results. We added the gyro, touch, and color sensor in our autonomous. It worked extremely well with accuracy of our robot during autonomous.


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